CT Update-

Activity Update - The community society to ensure access to care in Mission BC
  • The CT project is moving ahead on schedule. Expected opening December 2023.
  • Lots of renovation needed. Will include improvement in patient comfort and access as well as space for the new CT.
  • MATH has raised about $1,100,000 for the project. We continue to assist the Fraser Valley Healthcare Foundation meet its commitment to raise $1,300,000.
  • Please continue to support your CT scanner through our website, mathorg.ca

The Crisis in Healthcare

Activity Update - The community society to ensure access to care in Mission BC
  • We are all aware of the problems finding and accessing  primary care providers (Family Doctors, Nurse Practitioners). The public needs help to access the system when need arises.
    • There are excellent internet sites including https://mission.fetchbc.ca, but many citizens have limited access or ability to use the internet. One alternative is the Nurses Helpline – 811.
  • We are working to help improve the community’s ability to find the correct service
  • The system needs community input. We need a voice in planning and delivering health services to our community.
    • The Canadian Medical Association has stated that the system needs community input.
    • Mission Memorial Hospital once had a local Board of Directors that provided community input.
    • The City of Mission has reached out to the Fraser Health Authority in the hope of arranging a meeting to discuss planning for future health care. We patiently wait for that meeting
    • MATH, our local government, the Mission Healthy Community Council all are eager to participate.

Community Cooperation

  • We have developed relationships with multiple community organizations including
    • The City of Mission
    • The Mission Division of Family Practice
    • Mission Healthy Community Council
    • Fraser Health Authority
  • We have reached out to and cooperate with our government representatives, our MLAs and MP  
  • We are proud to have received a special Community Service Award from the City of Mission

Membership – Join MATH

We welcome you to join our society; to help all of our community attain appropriate access to healthcare. Membership forms available on our website, mathorg.ca.