70 per cent of children in Mission BC receive the needed childhood immunizations before they turn two. We can do better.

Why is it important to get immunized in Mission BC?
- Vaccines protect your child against serious illness, and in some cases even death. Did you know:
- Polio can causes paralysis.
- 10 per cent of measles infections cause brain infection, which can lead to lifetime brain damage.
- Mumps is a significant cause of sterility and deafness.
- Vaccines are effective:
- Rubella vaccination has brought Canada’s annual Rubella cases down from almost 15,000 per year to only 1 per year.
- Measles vaccination has reduced measles cases in Canada by over 99 per cent.
- The World Health Organization estimates that measles vaccination has prevented more than 56 million deaths worldwide from 2000 to 2021.
- Immunizing your child protects others, especially family members, babies and at-risk people, such as those receiving cancer treatment.
- Vaccine-preventable diseases have not gone away. Our high immunization rates have made these diseases rare. But we have seen recent outbreaks of pertussis (whooping cough), measles, and other vaccine preventable diseases due to lack of immunization.
- Vaccines build immunity. Just like our muscles, our immune system becomes stronger with use. Immunization trains our immune system, making it work better. For example, measles vaccination is associated with reduced non-measles deaths and illness.
- Vaccines are safe. Every vaccine in Canada has to go through serious safety testing before it is approved. Once the vaccine is approved, public health continues to monitor and review side effects to make sure there are no unexpected effects from the vaccine. Vaccine development, licensing and monitoring are highly regulated processes.
How can you make immunizations a positive experience?
Use the C.A.R.D. approach
- Comfort. Think about what will make your child comfortable during the appointment. Some ideas include bringing a stuffed animal or having your child come in pyjamas.
- Ask. Think about what questions you or your child would like to ask the doctor or nurse so that you feel more prepared.
- Relax. Try to relax and encourage your child to relax with you. Use slow deep breaths or bring a friend for support.
- Distract. Give your child something else to focus on during the immunization.
What can you do to support immunization efforts in Mission BC?
- Ask your doctor, nurse practitioner, or pharmacist about immunization.
- Talk to your family and friends about the importance of immunization.
- Share the C.A.R.D. system with anyone who may be nervous about immunizations.
- Visit www.healthgateway.gov.bc.ca to see if your family’s immunizations are up-to-date.
- Book an immunization appointment to get immunized.
- Call your primary care provider or pharmacist
- Book an appointment with Public Health by calling 604-702-4906
For more information visit: www.ImmunizeBC.ca, www.fraserhealth.ca/immunization, and www.aboutkidshealth.ca/card