What can a pharmacist prescribe in Mission BC?
- Pharmacists can provide a new prescription for a limited number of minor ailments – acne, allergy, conjunctivitis(pink eye), dermatitis (skin irritations), dysmenorrhea (pain during a woman’s cycle), dyspepsia (stomach acid discomfort), fungal skin infections, headache, hemorrhoids, herpes (a viral skin infection), impetigo, musculoskeletal pain (aches and pain in muscles), nicotine dependence, oral ulcers (canker sores), shingles, intestinal worms, urinary infections
- Contraception
- New prescriptions are limited to specific types of medications
- Pharmacists can renew a doctor’s/Nurse Practitioner’s prescription for conditions that have not changed in six months with need to continue the medication
- Pharmacists can adjust prescriptions – change dose, timing, form of medication like liquid for pills and substitute different but similar medication
- Pharmacists can provide emergency prescription refills

What may happen at a visit with the pharmacist?
- The pharmacist will take a history about the current and previous problems
- The patient’s medication list will be reviewed. There may be suggestions to adjust or change medication
- Any problems with medications including side effects should be reviewed
- General health questions may be discussed
Can all Pharmacists prescribe? – No
- Pharmacists must take additional training to prescribe.
Do I need to see my pharmacist in person? – No
Do I still need my Doctor/Nurse Practitioner? – Yes!
- Pharmacists may prescribe for and treat a limited number of conditions
- The pharmacist is required to refer to primary care providers when unsure about treatment or the condition
Further information –
- Search the internet for pharmacist prescribing in Mission BC
- https://www2.gov.bc.ca – Search for expanded pharmacy services
- https://ww.bcpharmacists.org/ppmac