This Wonder Drug, Physical Activity
- Reduces mortality by 27%
- Improves Blood Pressure
- Improves Cholesterol
- Improves Diabetes control
- Reduces risk of stroke
- Protects against Alzheimer’s
- Lowers risk of cancers including bladder, breast, colon, endometrium, esophagus, kidney, lung and stomach
- Improves bone health
- Reduces falls and injury from falls
Side Effects of this Wonder Drug, Physical Activity
- May improve Sleep
- May improve mood
- May reduce anxiety/depression
- May cause weight loss
- May cause feelings of well being
Cost? – Inexpensive, may be free
What is the best activity? Any that you will do
- Can be light, moderate or intense.
- Can be walking, dancing, yoga, tai chi, hiking, etc.
- Group activities
- Leisure Centre (604)820-5350, other fitness centres
- Boswyk Senior centre (604)814-2188
- 10 minutes/day of light activity reduces mortality by 20%
More information from
- Your health care provider
- Your physiotherapist
- Leisure Centre, local fitness centre
Thank you Fraser Health for opening an alternative space for the Mission Memorial Hospital ER after the recent flooding. The community is grateful!