HPV – What is it?
- A virus often transmitted by skin to skin contact, often sexual activity
- A virus that causes cancer – almost all cervical cancers as well as genital, oral and throat cancers

Who is at risk? – all sexually active people
- 75% of sexually active people acquire the infection
What does it do?
- Causes Cancer
- 99% of Cervical Cancer
- Causes other cancers including genital, oral and throat
- Causes warts
- The common skin wart
- Anal and genital warts
Prevention = Vaccination
- Cervical Cancer rate dropped 88% with vaccination!
- Vaccination safe – few side effects
Who Should be Vaccinated
- Everyone ideally before starting sexual activity
- Free for all in grade 6
- Free to everyone under age 19
- https://Immunizebc.ca/vaccines/hpv; www.heakthgateway.gov.bc.ca; fraserhealth.ca/immunization
Thank you, Dr. Maulik Baxi, Medical Director Population and Public Health, FHA for providing information for this article