Recruiting new providers
Recruitment of primary care providers (Family Physicians and Nurse Practitioners) is a priority for the Mission Division of Family Practice (MDoFP). Despite regional, provincial, and national shortages of primary care and allied health providers, over the last few years, MDoFP has welcomed and integrated multiple providers into clinics across community. These include:

- 5.0 FTE Family Physicians
- 2.8 FTE Nurse Practitioners
- 3.0 FTE Social Workers
- 1.0 FTE Clinical Counsellor
- 1.0 FTE Clinical Pharmacist
Finding a doctor/nurse practitioner
Simultaneously and collectively, primary care providers in Mission have attached approximately 5,000 patients to primary care providers. This attachment number will continue to grow as newly recruited providers build their patient list. To sign up on the waitlist for a primary care provider go to
Community Collaboration
The MDoFP has celebrated many successes over this past year. The key to our achievements has been working collaboratively with community partners and stakeholders including Family Physicians, Nurse Practitioners, Fraser Health Authority, First Nations Health Authority, the City of Mission, local Indigenous communities, Indigenous serving organizations, and local non-profits.
Partnership with the City of Mission led to the resurgence of the Mission Healthy Community Council (MHCC) which acts as an advisory body to City Council and the Chief Administrative Officer regarding matters pertaining to social planning, health planning, community well-being and quality of life for all residents in Mission. MHCC developed the Community Wellness Strategy. This strategy focuses on alignment between the health and social sectors with an emphasis on collective impact, shared actioning, responsibility, and accountability. Given the limited capacity across the community to take on new initiatives, as well as considering the scarcity of staff and resources, this approach will help move the community forward together.
The MDoFP values respectful, purposeful, meaningful, and ongoing engagement with local Indigenous communities. It co-hosted a large in person Indigenous engagement event in October 2022 – Coming Together: One Heart, One Mind. This was an opportunity to get to know one another, celebrate culture, secure relationships, and move forward together in a good way.
Primary care for youth in community has been enhanced by the support of the MDoFP. In September 2022, roughly 2 years since closing due to COVID-19, the Mission Youth Clinic is once again operational at Fraserview Learning Centre. It is Physician-run with the support of a Social Worker on site every Wednesday afternoon.
There was a significant need in the community identified to help support seniors navigate through the complex systems of health and community resources. In response, through the Primary Care Network (PCN), there is now a Social Worker on site at the Boswyk Seniors Activity Centre Tuesday and Thursday mornings.
Contact us
If you have any questions or are interested in more information, please do not hesitate to connect with Jen Cook, PCN Manager via email at [email protected]
Contact MATH via email at [email protected](