Why do we need a Chest Pain Clinic?
- To find and evaluate people at risk of heart attack
- 1 in 12 Canadians live with diagnosed heart disease
- Every hour 3.4 Canadians with diagnosed heart disease die.
- We need to diagnose heart disease early to save lives
What is the Chest Pain Clinic?
- A clinic staffed by Internal Medicine Specialists to evaluate and diagnose heart disease
- Assesses risk of heart disease
- Performs on site exercise stress testing (treadmill) under supervision of the specialist
- Refers for more specialized care when needed
- Provides treatment
- Provides life style advice
Who should use this service?
- People with known heart disease – angina or previous heart attack
- People found to have increased risk of heart disease
- People with
- Hypertension.
- Diabetes
- Cigarette Smokers
- High Cholesterol
- Family history of heart disease
- Chronic kidney disease
- Obesity.
Short Waiting Time – Less than 2 weeks
See your Doctor/Nurse Practitioner who can assess your risks
Ask to be referred to the Mission Chest Pain Clinic
Thank you Dr. Peter Cheng for your help with this article!