MDoFP is a society representing all family physicians in Mission, providing local family physicians with a stronger collective voice in the integrated delivery of primary care within our community. Our goal is to provide a collaborative and innovative approach to patient-based care with a strong and transparent relationship between the Division, the General Practice Services Committee (GPSC), Fraser Health Authority, and the Ministry of Health.

What has the MDoFP accomplished over the last few years?
1. In partnership with the City, Mission Seniors Activity Centre and Fraser Health Authority, we were able to pull together to provide a dynamic response to the needs in our community during the early days of the Covid 19 pandemic by establishing and staffing a local Covid testing centre.
2. We engaged with the City and Fraser Health Authority to operate a drive thru flu vaccine clinic during the height of the pandemic in order to ensure that our community had access to the preventative health care they required.
3. Despite incredible waitlists and a lack of new primary care providers (physicians and nurse practitioners), we found a primary care provider for more than 3000 patients. To sign up on the waitlist for a primary care provider go to
4. Through the operation of the Mission Maternity Clinic, our group of physicians have provided maternity care for 190 women and delivered 123 babies over the last year alone.
5. MDoFP is a main partner in Mission Primary Care network.
What are Primary Care Networks (PCN)?
PCNs are a Ministry of Health initiative to improve the way that primary health care is delivered in the province. Through the integration of allied health professionals, i.e. Registered Nurses, Social Workers, Clinical Counsellors, Clinical Pharmacists, and Cultural Advisors, into medical clinics, patients will receive comprehensive, collaborative, interdisciplinary team based care. This change is being rolled out in phases across the province. We began implementation on April 1st, 2020, and are working to establish our PCN as quickly as possible. It will take up to two more years to complete the process, but in the interim we have began hiring allied health professionals and are beginning to integrate them into the larger physician offices.
What are our biggest challenges?
- Recruitment of Primary Care Providers
- Space to open new clinics or expand current practices
Where can I get more information?
Mission Division of family Practice
Fetch (For Everything That’s Community Health Mission)
MATH (Mission All together for Healthcare)
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